If you are ever arrested and charged with a DUI in Cobb County it is critical that you contact an experienced DUI attorney in the Cobb County area as soon ass possible following your arrest. Thanks to modern day technology there are many things that you can now do on your own that you used to have to depend on others for (such as pumping your own gas and booking travel plans). However, representing yourself in court is not a good choice to make and may further complicate your case and increase your punishment.
Contacting an experienced Cobb County DUI lawyer is a critical step to improving the outcome of your case quickly and effectively. A DUI charge can be very serious and carry extreme consequences, thus it is essential that you have a qualified DUI attorney by your side if you are ever charged with a DUI in Cobb.
There are a variety of potential DUI defenses that a skilled Cobb DUI lawyer may utilize in order to resolve your case, such as:
1. Was there reasonable suspicion to stop the vehicle?
2. If there was a roadblock, did the police follow the Constitutionally accepted procedures such as:
a. Having a legitimate purpose such as check for licenses, not general law enforcement
b. Stopping every vehicle
c. Having the roadblock properly marked
d. Having a police supervisor approve the checkpoint and its legitimate purpose
e. Having the detention be brief and for the correct legal purpose
3. Was the stop a pretext or was someone racially profiled?
4. Were field sobriety tests performed and demonstrated according to correct procedure?
5. Was the arrestee properly advised of their implied consent rights and were their questions answered correctly?
6. Was the arresting officer inconsistent when explaining your implied consent rights?
7. If the driver's vehicle was searched, was there probable cause to search the vehicle?
8. Did the officer violate the driver's 5th Amendment right to remain silent after the arrest (Miranda Rights)?
9. Was there Probable Cause to make the arrest for DUI?
10. If a breath test was given, was the machine working and serviced correctly?
11. Was a blood test given, and was there a proper chain of custody of the blood, or could the sample be switched with another person's sample?
12. If there was a urine test, was there a proper chain of custody of the urine, or could the sample be switched with another person's sample?
13. If the blood or urine test shows prescription drugs, were the drug levels within the therapeutic range or the abusive range?
14. Was the client apprised of his right to an independent breath, blood, or urine test?
15. Was your arresting officer properly trained to make DUI Arrests?
16. Did the officer have a disciplinary record?
17. If the blood or urine test shows the presence of marijuana metabolites, are the metabolites active THC or inactive; meaning, could the marijuana have actually had an impact on the driving itself?
18. If there was an accident, could the other driver have been at fault?
19. If there was an accident, could the driver have appeared impaired because of injury or disassociation from the accident itself?
20. Did the airbag deploy in an accident, causing the driver to become dazed and confused?
Acting quickly and contacting an experienced DUI lawyer in the Cobb County area is essential to creating the best DUI defense possible for your unique case. He or she will be able to negotiate the Cobb court system with a level of expertise that you would not get from a quick Internet search. Preserve your right to drive and contact the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson immediately.