Probation Violation Charge in Marietta Area?
Probation is a common penalty for a DUI conviction. For a first DUI conviction, you may be ordered to serve one year of probation. While on probation, you are required to adhere to the restrictions placed on you. This usually includes community service, a risk reduction program, fines, and in some cases a clinical evaluation. If you fail to adhere to the restrictions placed upon you, such as not paying your fines or never completing the risk reduction program, you can be charged with a violation of probation. In such a case, you are in danger of having the full sentence you initially avoided applied in your case. This could mean that you would spend up to a year in jail, may have your license suspended plus additional time for the probation violation. If you have been arrested for a probation violation, you are strongly advised to contact a Cobb County DUI lawyer right away.
Probation Violation Defense Attorney Serving Cobb County, Marietta, Smyrna, Powder Springs, Acworth, Austell, Kennesaw, and Mableton
Each judge handles probation violation cases differently, and some take great offense when probation is violated, especially when the defendant drove drunk again while still on probation for a previous DUI conviction. At the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, the legal team has dealt with countless DUI probation violations, and can competently assist you in resolving your charges.
In the wake of probation violation charges, it's important to contact a defense attorney right away. The sooner you speak with an attorney, the sooner steps can be taken to help you overcome your charges. If you have already been arrested and are awaiting your probation violation hearing, contact the firm at once so work can begin on the defense of your case.
Contact a Cobb County probation violation lawyer from the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson if you have been charged with a violation of your DUI probation.