The common mistake people make is thinking that there is nothing that can be done to fight a DUI charge. This simply isn't true, and this is good news for you! At the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, our founding attorney Richard S. Lawson has helped thousands of Georgians retain their driver's licenses despite the criminal charges they were facing. As a former DUI prosecutor with more than 20 years experience, we are confident that Mr. Lawson can help your DUI case. Below we have hi-lighted our DUI areas of practice. Please feel free to read through this website and if you need more information or would like to schedule a consultation, contact a Cobb County DUI lawyer from the firm!
1st DUI
The majority of first DUIs are prosecuted as misdemeanor offenses, providing that no one was injured as a result of the drunk driving incident. The penalties for a first DUI offense may include: jail, hefty monetary fines, probation, community service, and substance abuse classes, not to mention a permanent mark on your criminal record. Read more about a 1st DUI…
2nd DUI
If you have been convicted for DUI within the past five years in Georgia and you are arrested on a new charge of drunk driving, then you face enhanced penalties. In general you can expect to face a lengthier license suspension, more hours of community service, and higher fines among other penalties. Read more about 2nd DUI…
3rd DUI
Local prosecutors and judges are under a lot of pressure to punish drunk drivers to the full extent of the law. For this reason, second and subsequent drunk driving offenses are punished more severely than first offenses. If you are convicted of a 3rd DUI you can expect mandatory jail time, up to $5,000 in fines and much more. Read more about 3rd DUI…
Best DUI Lawyer
When you are facing criminal charges for DUI, you want to find the best DUI attorney you can find. Considering the fact that your reputation is at stake and the fact that you are risking gaining a permanent criminal record, you need to have a highly competent attorney fighting to protect your best interests in your criminal case. Read more about the best DUI lawyer…
DUI Process
The DUI process begins with the traffic stop. If the police officer suspects you have been drinking, he or she will ask you to perform a series of field sobriety tests. Depending on the results they may ask you to submit to a chemical test in the form of a blood or breath test. Read more about the DUI process…
Accidents and Serious Injury by Vehicle
When a drunk driver causes serious bodily injury to another person as a result of their drunk driving, they will more than likely be charged with felony DUI. Felony DUI cases are the most serious types of DUI cases and they should always be handled by a competent DUI attorney such as Richard S. Lawson. Read more about accidents and serious injury by vehicle…
ALS Hearing
When you are arrested for DUI, you have just 30 days to schedule your ALS hearing. This hearing is separate from the criminal hearing and it specifically addresses your driver's license suspension. Failure to schedule your hearing within 30 days of the arrest will waive your right to challenge your driver's license suspension. Read more about the ALS hearing…
Blood & Breath Tests
Blood and breath tests are chemical tests which are used to measure the blood alcohol concentration in a person's bloodstream. The results of these tests are used as evidence against the driver in a DUI case. Under the "per se" rule, a driver is intoxicated if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is at or above .08%. Read more about blood & breath tests…
Child Endangerment
When a person is arrested for DUI and they are found to have a child under the age of 14 in their vehicle at the time of the arrest, then they will face child endangerment charges in addition to the DUI charges. In some cases, this can complicate child custody matters, especially if you are in a fight to win custody in a divorce. Read more about child endangerment…
Do I Need a Lawyer?
Only an experienced attorney would know the legal system inside and out, as well as any possible defense strategies in your DUI case. Without professional knowledge of the state DUI laws, you are putting yourself in a bad position if you fail to hire an attorney. There are many legal tools that Mr. Lawson could use in your defense, all of which could prove invaluable to the outcome of your case. Read more about whether or not you need a lawyer…
Drugs & DUI
Many people are surprised to learn that they can be arrested and convicted for DUI if they are caught driving under the influence of drugs. It doesn't matter if the drugs are illegal, prescription or even over-the-counter, as long as they impair a person's ability to drive, they can be charged with DUI. Read more about drugs & DUI…
DUI Under 21
The state of Georgia has a strict zero-tolerance policy when it comes to underage drivers. This means that underage drivers are prohibited from drinking and driving with a blood alcohol concentration of just .02% or higher. If you are a parent and your son or daughter is arrested for DUI, the first thing you should do is contact a Cobb Count DUI defense attorney. Read more about under 21 DUI…
Field Sobriety Tests
Field sobriety tests are roadside tests conducted by law enforcement at the scene. There are three standardized field sobriety tests that are typically performed by the police. Attorney Richard S. Lawson has been trained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to instruct law enforcement on how to perform these tests. Read more about field sobriety tests…
GA DUI By Out of State Driver
Just because you were arrested for DUI in Georgia but live somewhere else, it doesn't mean that your license won't be affected in your home state. Most states have an arrangement where they share information, meaning that if you are arrested for DUI in Georgia, you will most likely experience the same penalties in your home state. Read more about GA DUI by out of state driver…
Marijuana Cases
If you are caught driving in possession of marijuana, then you face driver's license suspension. Although there isn't any scientific evidence proving that marijuana intoxication impairs one's driving ability, a person still faces DUI charges if they are found driving with marijuana in their possession. Read more about marijuana cases…
Minor in Possession of Alcohol
The state of Georgia imposes strict laws on minors in possession of alcohol. In fact, even if the minor isn't driving, they can still be arrested and charged. An arrest can cause them to lose their license if they are ultimately convicted, and if they are caught drunk driving, the penalties are even more severe. Read more about a minor in possession of alcohol…
Plea Bargain vs. Trial
In certain DUI cases the driver could be offered a "plea bargain" by the prosecutor. In this case the defendant has to weigh whether or not they want to go to trial or plead guilty to the lesser charge. Since every situation is unique, it's important to have an attorney closely review your case before you accept any plea bargains. Read more about plea bargain vs. trial…
Prescription Drugs & DUI
A lot of people are aware that they can be charged with DUI if they are caught driving on an illegal substance such as marijuana or cocaine; however, most people are surprised to find out that they can be arrested for DUI for driving under the influence of their lawfully prescribed medication. Read more about prescription drugs & DUI…
Prior DUI Convictions
For those individuals facing second and subsequent DUIs, the consequences are more serious. If you were arrested for a second or third DUI, you could be facing jail time, steep fines, community service, and a long license suspension. A fourth DUI is charged as a felony in Georgia. Read more about prior DUI convictions…
Refusals/Alleged Refusals
When someone is arrested for DUI, they are asked to submit to a chemical test in the form of a blood, breath or urine test. With an alcohol-related DUI, usually the breath test is the test of choice. When someone refuses to submit to a chemical test, then they are at risk of a 12 month driver's license suspension regardless if they were drinking or not. Read more about refusals/alleged refusals…
Roadside Checkpoints
Georgia law enforcement has the tendency to set up roadside checkpoints from time to time; however, they must follow protocol when doing so. If you were stopped at a roadside checkpoint, the police might have asked you to perform a series of field sobriety tests. Any evidence obtained from these tests will be used against you. Read more about roadside checkpoints…
Suspended License
If you were recently arrested for DUI, it's important that you contact a DUI defense attorney right away. You have just 10 days from the date of the arrest to schedule you ALS hearing. This hearing will address your driver's license suspension and it is entirely separate from your criminal hearing. Read more about driver's license suspension...
Vehicular Homicide
Vehicular homicide is the most serious DUI-related charge you can face. Vehicular homicide is a felony offense that occurs when one person kills another person by means of a motor vehicle. This can be due to any type of car accident, or an alcohol-related accident. Read more about vehicular homicide…
Violation of Probation
A lot of people get probation as one of their penalties for a DUI conviction. For a first DUI conviction, you could be ordered to serve 12 months probation, you may be required to perform community service and attend a risk reduction program. When you fail to adhere to any of the terms of your probation, then it is considered a probation violation. Read more about probation violations…
Our lead attorney Richard S. Lawson is highly adept at handling all types of DUI cases throughout Cobb County and the surrounding areas. As a former DUI prosecutor, he has an in-depth understanding of how the prosecutor thinks and acts, which he uses to his clients' advantage at all times. His unique knowledge allows him to search for and expose any errors or flaws in a DUI case. As a result of his skilled and aggressive defense tactics, he has successfully resolved more than 4,500 DUI cases in Georgia. When you are risking a DUI conviction, you deserve the best Cobb County DUI attorney you can find. Contact the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson for superior DUI defense, call us today!
Contact a Cobb County DUI attorney from the firm to schedule your initial consultation.